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“Empowering Personal Trainers with the tools they need to be successful"

4 Pillars:

  • Mastery is not a state, but a process. It is not an achievement, but a practice. It's a commitment.
    It is the product of: Competence, Nuance, Curiosity and Humility
  • Service of others. It all comes back to this. To provide the best possible service  to our trusting clientele.
  • Community and unity. We believe that all education platforms share a common goal, to help people. We believe that the strength of our industry lies not in our divisiveness, but in our unity. We endeavor to work arm-in-arm with other organizations so as to provide the most accurate and whole-istic experience available.
  • Evidence-Based.  This is not limited to peer-reviewed literature. An evidence-based approach means not only using the best information available, but also placing weight on anecdotal evidence, as what we “know” today could very well be disproven tomorrow.
    Balancing facts with an open mind.

Student Testimonials

Hey, my name is Ali El Mokadem I'm a health and fitness specialist, nutrition coach and personal trainer.

I've been working in the health and fitness industry for about 10 years now, both as an employee at different health and fitness clubs as well as coaching my own private clients.

I first met Etienne about four years ago, and we’ve kept in touch ever since. Having him as an instructor for exercise mechanics as well as attending the OFS Cadaver Workshop, I can say that without a doubt his approach to the subject is fueled by two of the most important qualities; Passion and Humility.

~Ali El-Mokadem

I’m Casey Easton and I’m a Registered Massage Therapist and a Yoga Tune Up® Teacher Trainer based in Ottawa. The first thing I noticed about Etienne upon meeting him, besides his hilarious sense of humour, was his intense curiosity and drive to fully understand whatever it was I was talking about.

Etienne’s holistic approach to the human body is key to beginning to comprehend its complexities. I never hesitate to ask questions or get his “take” on something because his mind, as well as his heart, are so open to sharing without judgement. I’m so grateful to have Etienne as a colleague and learn and share knowledge and experience with him. You’re in good hands with Etienne!

~Casey Easton RMT and YTU Instructor

Etienne’s ability to take complex subject matter, such as biomechanics, anatomy, neurology or exercise physiology, and deliver it in a format that makes it feel effortless to absorb and integrate into your practice immediately is a testament to his passion for teaching and helping others thrive. His guidance has made me re-evaluate, re-design and progress my coaching strategies on multiple occasions.

He has truly moulded and shaped me to be the successful trainer and coach that I am today.

 If I could make a recommendation to any individual choosing to start a career, or expand their knowledge in the industry, as a fitness professional, it would be to take the time to meet and learn from this truly gifted and talented individual.

~Jeffrey Brown B. Ed., NKT, FST & NCCP Coach

Etienne is a passionate, knowledgeable, and engaging educator. He creates a dynamic learning environment as he instructs complex topics in human movement. 

Etienne gives attention to details in what he teaches and he instructs in a way that is not solely to deliver information and material. He challenges his students to think intelligently, three dimensionally, and to raise their standard of understanding of how the body works. I recommend the Exercise Mechanic initiative for fitness professionals who are looking for valuable educational courses and workshops.

-Jennifer Ventura RKin. & Founder of Blue Feather Fitness

My name is Ryan Taylor, and I have been a Personal Trainer in Ottawa, ON for 9+ years. I have had the opportunity to learn from Etienne through a number of his courses, workshops and seminars over the last several years. 

Etienne has absolutely shaped, and in some ways revolutionized, my approach to being a fitness professional. Through his guidance, I have developed a deeper understanding of the base components of the human body, which in turn has allowed me to make more educated decisions regarding my own clients.

I would not be half the trainer that I am today if it wasn’t for Etienne’s help over the years, and anyone who has an opportunity to learn from him should seize it!

~Ryan Taylor:

I had the great privilege of being mentored by Etienne at the beginning of my Personal Training career, and his tutelage shaped my understanding of how the body responds to the world around it. Be that a response to force, a response to perceived threat, or response from trauma/injury.

My biggest praise of Etienne is his authentic pursuit of elevating the service offered by this industry. Etienne does not teach a list of do’s or don’ts, he does not have you memorize answers, but rather he teaches you the formula. Armed with that formula, you can now look at whatever client “problem” you come across, apply the formula and come up with the answers yourself.

There is zero doubt in my mind that I am the trainer I am today because Etienne helped teach me how to think about the body and movement, not what to do with the body and movement. He is a pioneer in this area of teaching, the way he blends and teaches research that previously sat in separate buckets is a leap forward in improving how we service our clients. I HIGHLY recommend anyone who wants to elevate their skill set, thought process and ability as a trainer- work with Etienne. 

~Shannon Branton:

I consider Etienne a true educator.

Passion for learning and teaching is radiating from this man. Even though I have been working as a personal trainer for 20 years  I still learn something new and exciting every time I talk to him. He will teach you how to adapt any exercise to perfectly fit the needs of your clients.  I highly recommend Etienne.

~Predrag Stojnic: 

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