Career Plateaus : Career Killers?

Sep 18, 2024

Have you ever felt stagnant in your career? I sure have. And if you've been training for a while, you likely have too.

Whether it be struggling to attract new clients, feeling uninspired day to day, or feeling like your skill set isn't evolving... Career plateaus are both common and surmountable.

But how to know if you're experiencing a career plateau?

Plateaus are marked by decreased motivation, a stagnant client base, a lack of new skills and feelings of a lack of direction & purpose. In these moments, it's essential to implement growth strategies as soon as possible. We'll talk about growth strategies in a moment. But first, let's talk about what's at risk.

Why Career Plateaus Are Career Killers.

The lack of passion and the chronic apathy that comes with career plateaus not only erodes your self-worth (which fuels insecurity and imposter syndrome), It also pushes away clients. Clients can tell from a mile away when a trainer is checked out versus when they're dialed in. Being "dialed in" is infectious. When a client is window shopping for which trainer they'll entrust with their journey. Who do you think they'll choose? The trainer who's just counting reps for a pay check, or the one with an infectious and confident presence? The choice is obvious. Career plateaus not only feel shitty. They are shitty, and they wreak havoc on your career.

It's essential to do all that we can to remain locked in and passionate about what we do. Not only because we do better work. But it's also one of our best sales & marketing strategies.

In the next section I'll highlight a few strategies that my students and I have used to keep the passion alive in our businesses.

Growth strategies:

  1. Teaching

    Nothing drives learning like teaching. I encourage all my students to launch study groups and workshops to force deeper integration of concepts and drive insight. In addition, the external accountability that comes with needing to be sharp for a workshop is powerful. Having externally imposed deadlines and commitments keeps us checked-in and on track. Set the commitment. Then the commitment drives you forward.

  2. Long-term education

    Long-term education takes many forms. From masterminds to multi-month education programs, they all work. Long-form educational programs drive deeper levels of learning due to the opportunity to revisit and retrieve concepts - which is essential for mastery. In addition, because the content is "drip-fed" this keeps motivation higher for longer! Imagine learning new concepts and skills each week. New skills that you apply to your current clients with success. You can see the progress and your clients too! Imagine the results, the increased confidence, and feeling on fire in your career. This is possible for you.

  3. Daily habits

    Implementing a daily reading habit has been huge for my clients and I. Daily consumption of business-related, non-fiction books and scientific literature is a fantastic low-cost way to keep the mind sharp. Ideas in = Ideas out. Like gardens, the mind thrives with regular watering & maintenance.

  4. Set new goals

    This may seem counterintuitive, but it's not. The pursuit of goals outside of work is a fantastic way to wake something within you. Work is but one part of who you are. Being invigorated by a new challenge is like a rising tide that lifts all ships. When we're in a better place, everything gets better. From our personal life to our professional life.



Career plateaus are a natural part of personal training but they don’t have to be permanent. Mentorship, advanced trainings, and setting new goals can help personal trainers overcome stagnation and push their careers forward. Embrace these challenges as opportunities for growth. They're a sign that you're unfulfilled and need more. Lean into this and you’ll not only overcome the plateau but you'll elevate your practice as well.

'Til next time;
Etienne Asselin

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