Real Stories, Real Success: Recent graduates from The Exercise Mechanic Mentorship Program

Mar 12, 2024

 The Exercise Mechanic Mentorship is a path forward for personal trainers who are deeply passionate about their work and who strive for mastery.


The Exercise Mechanic Mentorship elevates personal trainers to unprecedented levels of clinical expertise.

Clinical expertise in the fitness industry, can be summarized by one word: Depth. A depth of understanding of biomechanics, human anatomy, neuroscience, psychology, program design, and more!. A deep understanding of the underlying components of human function and exercise. (if you've read my previous blog articles, this will not surprise you! 😆)


Before we continue... Let's get one thing straight.

You don't need to develop a deep understanding of personal training to be successful. You can have decent success and a good career by memorizing programs and protocols. If you're content decent and you're not ready to make big moves in your career. That's okay. But this article isn't for you.


This article is for passionate trainers who are ready to leave the archaic stereotypes of personal training behind.

It's for those who want more success, more money and more opportunity. 

The Exercise Mechanic Mentorship is an investment that yields significant transformation, and profit. Our Mentorship Program creates trainers who elevate the standard of care.

Sounds too good to be true? It's not.

Here’s what two of our recent graduates, Vince and Frank, have to say!


Meet Vincent Langlois, a Personal Trainer and educator from Quebec, Canada.


Meet Francis Thibodeau, a Personal Trainer and educator from Quebec, Canada.


Success isn't by chance. It's by design.

Consistently, our students have:


Be our next success story. I dare you.

If you think success is for everyone else but you...

If you've bought into the lie that you can't do this, or that you're not smart enough...

You’re mistaken.

You can do this.

All it requires is a leap of faith.

Seize the opportunity, and craft your narrative.

Join the next cohort of The Exercise Mechanic's Mentorship Program. Your next chapter awaits. Let’s write it together.

Stay curious;

Etienne Asselin, mhRTS
Founder of The Exercise Mechanic

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